“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tower high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.”
This describes what I perceive as the most reliable hope that exists. Light and high beauty for ever beyond the reach of pain in the fog. God is hope. It takes faith to believe in the hope that may be difficult to see, feel, experience, hear, discern. But just like the white star twinkling beyond the haze, there is hope glistening into our lives if only we take the time to recognize it.
So instead of naming this blog, REASONSTOLIVE, which would have appropriately indicated the purpose of my writing, I decided to steal a phrase from a poem I wrote. The writer in me had to choose some abstract image of course. Last spring, for Northwestern's poetry sequence, I wrote this:
I want to find where the sunset
and languages collide like colors
to make white.
Somehow there
everyone understands everyone.
Mothers, sons
fathers, daughters
sisters, sisters
just like music
when the melody makes people feel
the same sadness or joy
even when no one knows the words.
It may not be obvious, but the place I was referencing to is heaven, a place where we will be with God. Colors contain so many words, memories, associations, colors, emotions, joys, hurts, hopes. When colors collide, well there's potential for many an image, moment, idea.
I write in this blog, hopefully not to be self-indulgent, but instead to have a space to reflect. To find joy in writing, and when I'm writing for others to read I experience excitement and joy. Many a friend has commented about how strange it is that I get so excited about the way words look on a page. I hope what I write may resonate with others. I hope that identifying things to be thankful about will start to transform me. And I hope that journey may offer encouragement to others seeking or struggling to give thanks in all circumstances.
So to start off, Day 1:
Things to be thankful for
bluebird vibrant
ant carrying a piece of bark, crawling across my t-shirt
a high-school friend offering to listen, encouragement out of the blue
a best friend who understands, cares
dog, desperate for attention
finding the strength to be honest
crickets at night
snapchat : )
talking to my dad about a crazy experience on a white horse in China
singing praise music with other Christians
dancing in the street to Macklemore
the cashier at Stein Mart who said "God Bless You"
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