Friday, August 23, 2013


Let worship flow from our lips.

No more mourning, no more pain.

Our Lord is good, and he redeems all heartache.

Worship heals the wounds left in wake of sin.

Worship, praise, thankfulness, gratitude.

Thank The Lord for redemption because his love is so deep so deep and so great!!!!

We are never lost, never beyond repair, but loved so loved!

We can trust and we can give all ourselves because He is beautiful and He loves.

He can be trusted. : )

Back in the park where I used to play.
Where I used to climb jungle gyms and ride on merry go rounds, and run around playing frisbee or letting moms braid my hair! It's so nice to understand and remember all the phases of life that have made me who I am, a girl that I love : ) it's so nice remembering how silly I was and how many crushes I had and how many little things that seemed SO huge at the time but now I see it's all okay. It helps to give perspective that whatever we go through, in a little while it will not seem so big, it will not seem so insurmountable. But instead, we can know that it made us who we are. Beautiful people with such value and worth before God. We are loved and we are free.

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