Listening to these songs, what really matters in this world surfaces. Sometimes it seems like those bad days at work, or those never ending mistakes, or that habit you're kicking yourself for are inescapable, and you'll never get it right.
But who does?
We can all throw our hands down and laugh at ourselves, because in the grand scheme none of the silly little choices really matter. What seems to matter now will not matter so much 5 years from now, and what matters 5 years from now will not matter so much in the years when death draws near.
What really matters?
If life is about Christ, then living to share Christ is ALL that matters.
How easy to forget this!
But how freeing to know this!
If he is all that matters, then everything is always okay.
Someday, those who love him will stand before his throne lifting voices in worship
an endless sea of people
from all centuries
from all cultures
from the ends of the earth
praising the Hosanna
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