Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I think the secret to happiness is family-not biological family but the feeling of family, the feeling of being at home. It's amazing to me that every transition has an adjustment phase, and usually the beginning is the most difficult. But ever so slowly, the feeling of family sneaks up and you realize you feel safe, valued for you as you.  I think this has got to be what we all really crave-the safety and ease of being authentic and being loved (or accepted and celebrated).

I'm finding that Im starting to feel the joy of family in the theatre company. Honesty, authenticity, ease. Good feeling.

We really don't need anything but a good home and people to love- it's amazing how I and so many people waste time striving for what does not satisfy, for what does not bring lasting joy.

The secret of a contented heart? Gratitude for the people God puts in our path, loving them enough to put their needs before ones own.

Delight yourself in The Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Pondering the meaning of delighting in the Lord. So much to learn.

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