Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Christmas Carol

Rehearsal for A Christmas Carol makes me realize what a wonderful thing theatre is! Contradictory to the individualistic lifestyles promoted by modern American consumerism, theatre brings people together. Total strangers working towards a common goal: to tell a story. A story that stirs, inspires, challenges, and awakens the heart to the beauty of relationships and the importance of being thankful for the people in our lives.  And we as a community of storytellers invite audiences to participate in this story with us. Each performance is unique because the audience is another character in the mold. Theatre unveils the beauty of unpredictability. Uncertainty allows unexpected wonder to arise-all the hardships, struggles, challenges of putting together a show are worthwhile for those moments of joy, connection, laughter one finds in theatre.  Life is like this too. The bad is worth enduring because the good greatly surpasses any memory of struggle.  So much beauty to give life loveliness.

Who said that success, wealth, and achievement are more important than community, service, and relationships??? Isn't the point of "work" to contribute to the world with ones gifts?  Your calling in life is where your great joy meets the worlds great need. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am so glad to be me! And I am so glad you are you!

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